Snider's organization values are Accountability, Excellence, Inclusiveness, Integrity, Opportunity, and Teamwork. We request your cooperation by upholding those values on the course.
The scoring format for the Snider Cup is Two Best Balls Gross and Net. Golfers must play through the hole (no gimmes). After each hole, the teams will record the two best Gross and Net scores on their scorecard. Only the qualifying scores must be recorded. Detailed rules will be announced at the start of each tournament stop by the respective Golf Pro.
All foursome members must have a verifiable and valid USGA handicap. Valid is defined as having posted a minimum of 5 rounds since 9/1/24. During the 2025 Snider Cup tournament, all player handicaps will be verified ahead of each event by the golf professionals at participating courses using the GHIN or other verifiable system. If a golfer does not have an index, then their assigned handicap will be 0 (scratch).
Scores from each outing will be posted to Golf Genius by the course's golf professional. Each round of scoring will then be reviewed by the Snider Cup Golf Committee following the individual event for additional oversight and verification.
Course Handicap Allowance: 85%
The Snider Cup will adhere to all USGA rules. Any questions or disputes will be resolved by the club pro.
Tees: Please notify Snider staff in advance the tees desired to play (handicaps will be adjusted per tees played).
Etiquette: Please repair ball marks and divots.
NOTE: Please do not spend more than a couple of minutes looking for lost balls. We have a lot of groups playing and there should not be any holes open in front of you. If there are, you are playing too slow. If you are playing slow, the bar will open at 4:30 PM, with or without you!
Winning teams for gross and net categories will be identified at each leg of the Snider Cup.